IP Geolocation is the identification of the geographic location of a device, such as a mobile phone, gadget, laptop, server and so on, by using an IP address. It is widely used for various purposes, including targeting content and advertisements, enhancing security measures, providing localized services, and conducting market research.
Enter an IP address to obtain geolocation information.
W3C Geolocation API Demo
United States of America | Virginia | Ashburn |
20146 | 39.03947 | -77.49181 |
Amazon Technologies Inc. | amazon.com [WHOIS] [Check Mail Server] | DCH |
View Weather | America/New_York | 2025-01-16T12:19:02-05:00 |
Unicast | Data Centers | Loudoun County |
14618 | Amazon.com Inc. | - |
No | - |
Geolocate your visitors' geolocation information by sign up a FREE demo account!
Sign Up FreeElevate your visitors geolocation data IP2Location LITE databases for FREE!
Download It NowEnhance your app's capabilities with real-time IP address tracking with IP2Location.io geolocation API.
Try It Now$ curl "https://api.ip2location.io/?key={YOUR_API_KEY}&ip="
"ip": "",
"country_code": "US",
"country_name": "United States of America",
"region_name": "Virginia",
"district": "Loudoun County",
"city_name": "Ashburn",
"latitude": 39.03947,
"longitude": -77.49181,
"zip_code": "20146",
"time_zone": "-05:00",
"asn": "14618",
"as": "Amazon.com Inc.",
"isp": "Amazon Technologies Inc.",
"domain": "amazon.com",
"net_speed": "T1",
"idd_code": "1",
"area_code": "703",
"weather_station_code": "USVA0027",
"weather_station_name": "Ashburn",
"mcc": "-",
"mnc": "-",
"mobile_brand": "-",
"elevation": 83,
"usage_type": "DCH",
"address_type": "Unicast",
"ads_category": "IAB19-11",
"ads_category_name": "Data Centers",
"continent": {
"name": "North America",
"code": "NA",
"hemisphere": [
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"country": {
"name": "United States of America",
"alpha3_code": "USA",
"numeric_code": 840,
"demonym": "Americans",
"flag": "https:\/\/cdn.ip2location.io\/assets\/img\/flags\/us.png",
"capital": "Washington, D.C.",
"total_area": 9826675,
"population": 339665118,
"currency": {
"code": "USD",
"name": "United States Dollar",
"symbol": "$"
"language": {
"code": "EN",
"name": "English"
"tld": "us",
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"region": {
"name": "Virginia",
"code": "US-VA",
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"city": {
"name": "Ashburn",
"translation": {
"lang": null,
"value": null
"time_zone_info": {
"olson": "America\/New_York",
"current_time": "2025-01-16T12:19:02-05:00",
"gmt_offset": -18000,
"is_dst": false,
"sunrise": "07:25",
"sunset": "17:14"
"geotargeting": {
"metro": "511"
"is_proxy": false,
"fraud_score": 6,
"proxy": {
"last_seen": 15,
"proxy_type": "DCH",
"threat": "-",
"provider": "-",
"is_vpn": false,
"is_tor": false,
"is_data_center": true,
"is_public_proxy": false,
"is_web_proxy": false,
"is_web_crawler": false,
"is_residential_proxy": false,
"is_consumer_privacy_network": false,
"is_enterprise_private_network": false,
"is_spammer": false,
"is_scanner": false,
"is_botnet": false
IP Geolocation is a specific subset of IP lookup that focuses on determining the geographic location of an IP address. They provide information on country, region, city, ZIP code/postal code, latitude, longitude, domain, ISP, area code, mobile data, weather data, usage type, proxy data, elevation and much more.
This IP lookup data source can be found in various forms, including database, file, and web service, for users to build the geolocation solutions.
This technology is widely used in firewalls, domain name servers, ad servers, routing, mail systems, web sites, and other automated systems where geolocation may be useful.
Visit IP2Location.com to learn more.
W3C Geolocation API is an effort by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to standardize an interface to retrieve the geographical location information for a client-side device.
The most common sources of location information are IP address, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth MAC address, radio-frequency identification (RFID), Wi-Fi connection location, or device Global Positioning System (GPS) and GSM/CDMA cell IDs.
It allows websites to interact with the physical world and offer services that are relevant to a user's current location, all while respecting user privacy and consent.
Geocoding is often related to Geolocation. It is a process of finding associated geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) from other geographic data such as city or address. With geographic coordinates, the features can be mapped and entered into Geographic Information Systems. Reverse geocoding is the finding an associated textual location such as an address, from geographic coordinates.
Geocoding is fundamental for map services, GPS devices, and navigation apps to display and calculate routes between locations.
Visit GeoDataSource.com for a comprehensive list of world cities with latitude and longitude.
This database provides you the continent name for up to 81 different languages.
This database provides you the country name for up to 81 different languages.
This database provides you the region and city name in their country native language.
This database provides you a list of cities and country codes.
This database provides you the mapping of ZIP Code to Metro.
A complete list of US state codes and names. Example, ALABAMA -> AL, ALASKA -> AK.
Unlock valuable geolocation data for FREE. Empower your business with our IP geolocation solution.